Privacy Policy

GDPR compliance and all our service providers are GDPR compliant.

Location is based in Italy (and thus is directly subject to the GDPR) and data is hosted mainly in Europe.

When we use sub-processors located outside Europe we always make sure that the companies are compliant with EU privacy laws (e.g. they include the Standard Contractual Clauses in their DPA).

Data we hold stores data about:

  1. Users (i.e. the customers who sign up to in order to send a newsletter)
  2. Subscribers (i.e. the subscribers that receive one or more newsletters) does not share, or resell, any kind of user data (whether data described in point 1 or 2 above).

Data held on users collects account information for each user, including:

Data held on subscribers

Data held on subscribers include:

We do not perform any kind of profiling. Data used for targeting are processed as strings by and we don't extract any specific meaning.

Data persistence and rectification

Users can use the account features to remove or update their data.

Subscribers can remove their subscription to a newsletter using the links in the footer of each email.

Backups, logs and other security features can have a data retention period up to 1 year.

Access to data and portability grants you the ownership on your data and on your subscribers.

You can access to your account and export your data at any time.

Data usage

Data collected is used for:

Data about subscribers, collected for example through the form on the website, is used solely for technical purposes. doesn't use, aggregate or resell it for marketing purposes. This doesn't limit what you can do with your subscriber data through


User consent is explicitly provided because they perform actions on

Subscriber consent to receive emails is explicitly provided when they subscribe to a newsletter. They can revoke their permission at any time using the specific links in the emails.

Data protection and security

We care about security and we follow the best practices to reduce the risk of data breaches. When we design a new feature, security is the first citizen.

Data breaches

Data breaches will be notified to our users within 72 hours, after having become aware of it. It is then the responsibility of our users to report this data-breach to their subscribers.

Data processors

Data is collected and manipulated both on our own devices and on third-party servers. Our web application servers are provided by Digital Ocean Inc. Data is also stored and processed on Amazon Web Services. We also use other services suited for specific purposes, like Cloudflare for security and performance.

Analytics and cookies

As most websites do, we use cookies for technical reasons. We also use cookies to improve our advertising (Google Ads), when you give your consent.

You can clear all your cookie preferences and all data stored on your device at any time by using your browser preferences to clear browsing data.

Data holder

Data holder is AbstractBrain srls unipersonale (P. IVA: 02516920036), located in Via G. B. Palletta, 11, 28865 Crevoladossola (VB), Italy.

Inside the company, the Data Protection Officer is Marco Colli, born in Domodossola, the 27th of february 1991 and residing in Crevoladossola (VB), Italy.